
Is this for real? Hallucination analysis in LLMs (2023)

Large language models (LLMs) such as ChatGPT, Claude, and Llama-2 are extensively used for personal and business needs, achieving widespread popularity and integration into numerous applications. Despite their great success, LLMs tend to “hallucinate” and may generate inaccurate/fabricated information. Due to the increased reliance on LLMs, the hallucination problem can pose a serious threat to security and degrade users’ trust. For example, the use of LLM-integrated applications in medicine may generate medical reports that contain highly convincing yet entirely false information, possibly leading to life-threatening treatments or lack thereof. Therefore, detecting hallucinations of LLMs is of primary importance..

Knowledge-Guided Protein Protein Interaction Prediction (2023)

The prediction of protein-protein interactions (PPIs) plays a vital role in understanding cellular processes, disease mechanisms, and therapeutic target identification. Experimental methods for identifying interacting protein pairs, are labor-intensive, time-consuming, and challenging to scale up due to the vast diversity of proteins. Additionally, traditional computational methods using deep learn- ing to address this problem, although effective to some extent, face challenges in terms of accuracy and efficiency. This project proposes an improved approach by integrating science-guided machine learning (SGML) into PPI prediction models.

Two-Cloud Private Read Alignment to a Public Reference Genome (2020-2022)
BWT outline
BWT algorithm

The large-scale nature of human genome necessitates outsourcing of genomic computations to public clouds. However, this raises some serious privacy concerns. We designed and developed a two-cloud private read alignment algorithm using the Burrows-Wheeler Transform and the FM-Index. Our paper is accepted to Proceedings of Privacy Enhancing Technologies Symposium 2023.

Graph Sketches and Embeddings: A Study of their Applications on Graph Databases (Master's Thesis) (2019)

Thesis outline

An important practical consideration while processing large volumes of graph data is creating summaries of the data, since it is usually impractical to perform operations on the entire dataset. In my thesis, I studied graph sparsification and embedding techniques and provided a performance study of thier effects on graph properties like page rank, betweenness centrality, community detection and node similarity.

Evaluation of High-Performance Application-level Caching of Generic Graph Structured Data (2018)

In addressing the challenge of handling large graph data, my project focused on hashing techniques and their impact on graph processing. I studied various hashing methods and implemented foundational graph algorithms like shortest path, and minimum number of hops, using SNAP datasets. I evaluate these results in the neo4j graph database, where I assessed the influence of these techniques on the efficiency and accuracy of graph-related operations. This work contributes to understanding how different hashing approaches can optimize graph data processing.

Supporting Non-relational Models with Flexible Schema Storage (2017)

BWT outline
BWT algorithm

NoSQL databases offer a unique advantage over traditional relational databases, particularly when handling complex and interconnected data. This project involves comparing the performance of NoSQL data stores with that of relational data models. Additionally, I explored tile-based architectures and provided a theoretical discussion on what the mappings from various NoSQL data stores and the relational model to tile-based architectures might look like.


Peer-Reviewed Conference Paper

  1. S. Madabushi, and P. Ramanathan (2023).
    Two-Cloud Private Read Alignment to a Public Reference Genome Proceedings on Privacy Enhancing Technologies, 2023 [Conference] [PDF] [Code]


  1. M.Sc Thesis (2019): Graph Sketches and Embeddings: A Study of their Applications in Graph Databases,
    [PDF] [Slides]

  2. Bachelor's Thesis (2013): Novel Network System with Miscellaneous Features GITAM University.


Research Intern, University of Wisconsin-Madison (2020-2022)

I worked with my advisor to design a privacy-aware cloud-based solution for a genome analysis task. This research is at the intersection of Data privacy and Bioinformatics. Our paper has been accepted to Privacy Enhancing Technologies Symposium 2023. Our algorithm runs in the same order of complexity and was able to achieve complete accuracy as the base-line algorithms without privacy.

Student Research Intern, PiSA sales GmbH (2017-2018)

I implemented various data visualization techniques like heat maps, bubble graphs, Venn diagrams, along with bar plots and scatter plots for a visualization widget representing sales data. I used JavaScript, D3.js and dimple.js to create these plots. I integrated them with a graphical dashboard using type script.

Software Engineer 1, Innominds (2015-2016)

I implemented various data visualization techniques like heat maps, bubble graphs, Venn diagrams, along with bar plots and scatter plots for a visualization widget representing sales data. I used JavaScript, D3.js and dimple.js to create these plots. I integrated them with a graphical dashboard using type script.

Systems Engineer, Tata Consultancy Services (2013-2015)

I Built a cloud-based communication portal from scratch for Microsoft’s weekly announcements and newsletters using C#, Microsoft SQL, and front end technologies like HTML and CSS. I communicated directly with the clients as Microsoft India to gather and meet their requirements.


Awards and Achievements
  • ACSAC Conferenceship Travel Award (2023). Received confereceship award to attend Annual Computer Security Applications Conference held in December 2023.
  • Other Achievements (2004-2013). Top 10 ranks in the Indian Math Talent Search Exam; Degree in South Indian classical music; Several prizes in the performing arts.
Leadership and Service
  • Volunteer at STEM Santa Fe (2022).Led the team that mentored 100 school girls for the “Pathways for Girls conference” held in Santa Fe, NM in November 2022.
  • Master’s Mentor at Otto-von-Guericke Universität (2017-2018). Organized social events for 100 incoming Master’s students. Mentored international students on adapting to changes in cultural environments.
  • Organizer at Magdeburg Indians (2017-2018). Organized a Summer Fest for about 1000 participants. Led the cultural team that organized several other annual cultural events.